
New Here?

New Here?

‘Each should give what they have decided in their own heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver’

2 Corinthians 9:7

Our gifts should be a prayerful and joyful act of worship.


Giving should always reflect our means and circumstances. There are a number of ways to give wisely both one-off and regularly.

If you are part of the Trinity family, setting up a regular gift helps you know it will happen as part of your regular worship and helps us to plan wisely. A bank standing order is usually the most effective way of to giving ‘first to the Lord’ each month.

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Further Information

Ukraine Appeal


God has created each of us with gifts and skills, and the Bible tells us we have been given them to share with those around us. One of the best ways to connect in to the life of Trinity is to join one of our teams which are spaces where you can step out, grow your faith and put those gifts into practice. Whatever your story and whether or not you think you have gifts or skills, there is definitely something for you!

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