20th - 22nd September 2024

Big Weekend!

A weekend of worship, prayer and community!

7.30pm, at the Farm

EP Launch Night: Worship & Live Recording

Celebrating the release of our new EP with an evening of worship & live recording at the farm! We're excited to see what happens as we gather for a night of worship and to seek His presence, and as we sing the songs we've been writing for our church over the last year. This night of worship will be captured as a live recording.

You’ll need to book your (free) ticket before coming and have read the important information.

7am - 7pm, at Trinity Church


The worshipping community at Trinity has been praying for 200 years this year for God's Kingdom to come on earth here in Cheltenham as it is in Heaven.

The church building will be open for prayer over the 12 hours between 7am-7pm. With creative prayer stations and worship music creating a place set apart from the busy-ness of life, we'll be praying prayers of praise and thanks for 200 years and lifting up this next season in the life of the community here. More details will follow soon, but pop it in your diary!

10am - 6pm

To celebrate our Big Weekend this year, Ben & Milcah Troughton are blessing us by welcoming us to their (working) farm across the whole of Sunday 22nd September.

We would love for you to join us as we gather together!

|| Site is open (coffee van available)
11am || Morning Celebration (All age)
12.30pm || If you can't make the morning, come along with your picnics as we spend time together!
Followed by games, sports, inflatables and community
2.30pm || Ice Cream van arrival
4pm || Afternoon Celebration

We cannot make this happen without your help! Whether it's helping people to park, signposting people at the info desk or welcoming people into the barn, there are many ways to get involved. Please contact Julia Thomson to have a chat, and join a team!


  • The farm is within a 20 minute drive from the centre of Cheltenham - Leigh Court Farm GL19 4AF.

  • Unfortunately, it's not easily accessible by public transport. We advise buddy-ing up with someone else going - a great way of getting to know others in the Trinity community! If you are struggling to find a way there, please do get in touch with us here.

  • The only gathering you need to book a ticket for across the weekend is the EP Launch (Worship and Live Recording) on Friday 20th evening. You can book by clicking here.

  • Unfortunately not. As we will be away from fast wifi speeds, we won't be able to record or stream the celebrations.

  • We would love to enable all to be with us as we celebrate together on the Sunday of our Big Weekend. As the location is a working farm, it is not designed to be fully accessible, however, please get in touch with us with your requirements as we will do all we can to make sure you can be part of the day. There is a specific car parking area for those with mobility needs. If you need access to this, just ask a member of our parking team on the way in and we will direct you there.

  • On Sunday at our celebrations, there will be seating. If you have a camping chair or picnic rug, we recommend bringing them for our picnic time! Please note, if you are attending the Friday evening EP Launch (Worship & Live Recording), this is standing only.

  • We have plenty of space for your car! Follow the directions of those welcoming you and the clear signage and you will find the spot set aside for you! If you want to get in touch to find out more, click here.

  • Yes! We will have plenty of portaloos, including an accessible loo too.

  • We have a specific parking area set aside for you if you have a buggy/pushchair and/or a wobbly toddler with you with a pathway leading to the barn. Please bear in mind though that it is a working farm, and the ground isn't flat. We hope the weather will be beautiful, and if it is, we will be eating on a field in front of the barn.

  • Whilst there will be activities for children, due to the site being a working farm with a deep pond onsite, all children must be supervised at all times by their parents/guardians. 

  • In the event of light drizzle, we will continue on as planned, with the picnic taking place under cover! If there are any changes to the plan due to the weather forecast being particularly dramatic, we will get in touch with all those signed up to ChurchSuite (via text and email) and post on our website, Instagram, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) with as much advance warning. 

  • YES! We would love you to be on the team! From ushering cars, to welcoming, to setting up in the days before/setting down after, we have lots of tasks that need to be done to make the weekend work (particularly Church at the Farm!). If you have any time the week leading up to the weekend, through the weekend or after it, we would love to hear from you.

  • Sturdy shoes that are weather appropriate would be best. If it's been at all damp in the days leading up to the weekend, we recommend wellies! Keep an eye on that forecast...

  • We'd love for you to come be a part of the day from 12.30pm which is when most will begin to find spots for their picnics before the games and inflatable fun start!

  • Lunch will be a bring-your-own picnic. We will have a coffee van available for you to purchase caffeinated (and non-caffeinated) drinks throughout the day as well as an ice cream van arriving at 2.30pm with a variety of treats to buy as we enjoy in the sunshine!

  • Yes! We will have drinking tap water available, as well as hand sanitiser.

  • We ask that you please don't bring alcohol onto the site.

  • As this is a working farm, no pets are allowed on the site unless it is a service dog. If you bring an animal to the site that isn't a service dog, we will need to ask you to take it off site.

  • Nothing is planned! Whilst there may be some unusual noises like the gentle mooing of cows, we haven't got any planned confetti cannons or fireworks.

  • Yes! Please do bring it with you! We hope a few people will bring their gazebos and put them up before the 11am celebration so that the picnic space for lunch will have areas of shade/protection from wind/the unlikely(!) event of it raining. Do get in touch if you'd like to talk to the team.

Is your question not answered here?

Don’t forget to book your ticket for our EP Launch Night!