Offering care to those in particular need, difficulty or vulnerability in our community
Our Transform ministries offer care to those in particular need, difficulty or vulnerability in our community.
This is done primarily through our ministries: King's Table, Signposting, Women's Space and Street Teams.
What is Transform?
King’s Table
When: Mondays and Fridays (except during the school holidays)
Where: Trinity House Ground Floor, Trinity Lane, Cheltenham, GL52 2NT
Cost: Free
What: Join us for any part of or the whole time to enjoy food and refreshments alongside a short Bible study
9:30am - Breakfast and a hot drink
10.30am - Bible study
12pm - Lunch
When: Mondays and Fridays (except during school holidays)
Where: Trinity House, Trinity Lane, Cheltenham, GL52 2NT
Cost: Free
What: A drop-in centre where we aim to meet the needs of those who are homeless and vulnerable in our community.
We have a range of activities going on, including poetry lessons, art classes and much more. There are also shower and laundry facilities available as well as a clothing and a food bank.
This is an opportunity to get more information about further support available. Join us for a chat, a hot drink and sometimes even cake!
Feel free to come along straight away after King's Table.
Street Teams
When: 7:30pm - 8:15pm, every Tuesday and Thursday
Where: Outside Marks & Spencer, 173 High St, Cheltenham, GL50 1DF
Cost: Free
What: Our street teams give out sandwiches, pastries and cakes to individuals in need on the streets. There is also an opportunity to receive prayer and advice.
Women’s Space
A special Transform session for women of all ages. Time to share life and faith - enjoying food, friendship, chat, activities, Bible study and prayer in a relaxed setting.
When: Tuesdays (except during the school holidays) 12- 3pm
Where: The Garage, Trinity Lane, Cheltenham, GL52 2NT
Cost: Free
What: Join us for any part of or the whole time to enjoy food and refreshments, a short Bible study and activities including craft, music, games
12pm - Bible study and refreshments
1pm - Lunch
1.30pm - Activities and refreshments
For more information, get in touch with Nicki Blyth (nicki.blyth@trinitycheltenham.com)
How Can I Help?
There are three main ways you can help the Transform ministries at Trinity.
1. We're always happy to receive donations. We most need supplies of non-perishable foods such as cereal bars and tinned goods (ideally with a ring pull); toiletries for men and women, and sleeping bags.
2. Come and help out. We have a brilliant team of volunteers who serve in many ways including helping out in the kitchen and supporting guests - but we can always do with more pairs of hands! Get in touch using the details below if you're interested.
3. Pray for the ministry, and if you have any questions or would like more information, get in touch.
Get in touch
Want to get hold of us or to find out more? Drop us a message!
Dave Clarke
Transform Ministry Leader