Deeper Prayer Ministry
Deeper Pastoral Prayer is offered to regular members of Trinity Cheltenham needing prayer support to overcome difficulties that prevent growth and press through to a place of freedom in their lives.
We want to see everyone become spiritually and emotionally whole as followers of Jesus.
We encourage everyone who is a regular member of Trinity Cheltenham to be on Alpha, Element or be a part of a Life Group, as well as be on a team to grow in their faith as they walk with God.
There are, however, times when the choices we make or experiences we have had in our life prove to be obstacles to future growth. At these times, prayer support can help us battle through and come to a place of freedom.
Within our formal church patterns, there are several opportunities where everyone can access prayer support:
At the end of a Sunday celebration
Within your Life Group or within individual ministries
Deeper Pastoral Prayer - a series of prayer meetings with two members of the Pastoral Prayer Team
To help us direct you to the most appropriate source of support, please complete the form below. Sue McLean (our Pastoral Lead) or a member of the team will then contact you to discuss the type of support which will best meet your needs.
Please note: this pastoral support is only available for regular members of Trinity Cheltenham. We are also unable to offer any form of counselling or mental health advice & strongly recommend you to seek professional help with our support if needed.
Deeper Prayer Ministry Form
Information that you share in pastoral meetings is confidential to the Lead Pastor, Staff member and/or Pastoral Team member who is involved in praying with you. Having said that, there are limits to confidentiality. To help us make decisions about what we can offer you, Pastoral Team members may need to share information with each other. Additionally the Senior Leadership Team will have access to summary information about who has been referred and which route of support has been offered. Occasionally information about the content of a pastoral conversation may need to be passed on to the Safeguarding Team if there is serious concern about risk of harm to yourself or a vulnerable other. For the purpose of safeguarding, Gloucestershire Diocese requires us to keep summary notes of any pastoral meeting conducted.
For further detail about Trinity’s privacy policy, please visit our website:
Please get in touch with Sue McLean, our Pastoral Care Co-ordinator, if you have any concerns in regards to the above.
Get in touch
Want to get hold of us or find out more? Drop us a message, we’d love to hear from you!
Sue McLean
Associate Pastor - Pastoral Care