Prayer Room
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective”
James 5:16
The Trinity Prayer Room is located in ‘The Garage’ at the heart of our physical buildings. When it is open, the space is a sanctuary for individuals and/or groups to draw aside and engage deeply with God.
The vision is to cultivate a space where prayer is the heartbeat and engine room of the church, fuelling our character and mission. It is a place to pray, seek, petition, intercede, praise, thank, and glorify God, aligning ourselves with His plans and purposes. Our longing is to become a community united and transformed through the power of prayer.
Essentially, our Prayer Room is a space where we can DRAW aside and draw near to God in prayer in order to be filled with more of Him, His vision, His power, His presence, His direction and challenge, His gifts. We invite Him to show us where we can then go and POUR all this into our various contexts of influence, our towns and cities, wherever we go and to whomever we meet.
In the prayer room you will at times find resources such as; maps for intercession, art supplies for drawing and painting prayers, and spaces for kneeling and soaking. We are adding to these as the space becomes more used.
All generations: The Prayer Room is for everyone in the Trinity Church family. Over time we are aiming to provide resources for all ages and generations to pray together. For obvious reasons, under 16s will always need to be accompanied by a parent and carer who will be sharing in prayer with them.
Special ‘Prayer Burns’: we are gradually developing a programme of times when a larger number of people will gather for continuous prayer and worship for an allotted time to kick off the prayer room, or over times / events. Times when we can ‘burn’ with a passion for all God has for us!
We have started small with the Prayer room currently only open at specific times; but our vision is to grow into a space that can help fuel and host a constant hunger and passion for prayer throughout the week.
The Prayer Room is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6am – 8am and Monday and Friday evenings form 6pm - 8pm. You do not have to book and we welcome everyone in the church family to join us.
See here for a number of ways that we are growing in pray corporately.
We have a page of resources for this purpose here.
Helpful Resources
24-7 Prayer have compiled a guide for how to spend 60-minutes in prayer. Centred around the Lord’s Prayer, you can find it here.
The Good Way have designed a prayer guide to lead you through 60 minutes of prayer following along with practices based on The Prayer Course by 24/7 Prayer. You can find it here.
IBLP have created a helpful prayer guide using 12 × 5 minute segments. See here for the guide.