Pastoral Care
A church that loves well.
The early church community loved well, sharing what they had, eating and worshipping together. Those outside liked what they saw and many joined them daily.
(See Acts 2:47)
As a church we recognise that at times we all face difficult circumstances. Sometimes we need to support others and sometimes we need to receive support.
Pastoral care can take many forms and is a constantly growing area of ministry as we seek to love each other well.
We try to create many ways of belonging in the Trinity Church community through our various ministries, gatherings and events. You can find out more by looking above at our “Connect” section on our dropdown menu.
Life Groups
Life Groups are at the heart of Trinity life.
They are smaller gatherings of the Trinity family that meet on a regular basis to help provide opportunity for connection, growth, and encouragement in our faith.
If you are new to faith or if you are exploring what faith means, we would recommend Alpha as a place to start. If you have chosen to follow Jesus and you want to go deeper in your faith, Element is a great temporary life group that will help you get stuck in to life at Trinity. We also have life groups spread across the local area of varying ages and if you have explored Alpha and Element, we’d love to help you get plugged into one of those.
Alpha is an opportunity for anyone to explore the big questions of life, faith and God. Alpha is run all around the globe and everyone’s welcome, no background knowledge is assumed or required. It’s an open space to share stories and the stuff of life together.
Find out more about our Alpha course here.
A ten-week journey with others, designed to help us deepen our relationship with God.
We aim to create a small community, with a culture of openness and enquiry, where each person encounters the Lord, is equipped to develop in their relationship with Him, and is further empowered for service in His Kingdom.
Find out more about our Element community here.
Life Groups are at the heart of Trinity life.
If you have done both Alpha and Element, and you would like to learn more about Life Groups at Trinity, or if you just want to get in touch with one of the team, click here.
Pastoral Care
As a church we recognise that at times we all face difficult circumstances. Sometimes we need to support others and sometimes we need to receive support. Pastoral Care can take many forms and is a constantly growing area of ministry as we seek to love each other well.
Come and join us for lunch, a hot drink and cake with other members of the Church Family.
All are welcome!
Wednesdays (in term time) 12.30pm-3.30pm
For those who are struggling with debt and need financial advice, connect with our Money Matters team.
Sometimes we need specialist and professional help. We can suggest appropriate organisations who can help - whether it be legal, counselling, debt advice, food banks/pantries and the like.
If you need help like this, please get in touch with us here.
At the end of each of our Sunday Celebrations we offer the opportunity to pray with a member of the church in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes we need to pray purposefully with others about specific issues, and need to set aside dedicated prayer time for this. We have a team of people who are trained to pray with you in this way. If you would like to find out more or enquire about this, here is our enquiry form.
Book a 10-15 minute appointment with a member of our prophetic team for those moments when you want to hear God speak to you with the help of others. To find out more, email Sue here.
From time to time there are opportunities to set aside a day to dwell and soak in the presence of God. Keep an eye out for these on our online Community Forum.
Can you be a Befriender?
We are continuing to grow a list of people who are able to assist with one off tasks when needed, for example the provision of an emergency meal, dog walking, shopping or the like. If you can help in this way or need help please get in touch via the details at the end of this page.
Safeguarding at Trinity
At Trinity we take safety very seriously. We believe that everyone should be able to engage with God and our church family in a safe and welcoming environment; especially children, young people and vulnerable adults. We work really hard to ensure that this happens as best we can – please check out our safeguarding page for more information.
Get In Touch
Want to get hold of us or to find out more? Drop us a message!
Sue McLean
Associate Pastor - Pastoral Care sue.mclean@trinitycheltenham.com