PSALM 8:4-5

”What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?  You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour.

Easter events:

Palm Sunday
13th April
10AM & 6PM

Join us and celebrate the one who saves! Our 10am celebration will have groups for children and young people, and our 6pm will have extended times of worship & ministry.

Holy Week
Artless Theatre Company
16th & 17th April
7:30pm - 9:30pm

We are crowned because He is crowned

Artless Theatre Company - Centurion
A unique immersive theatrical experience… ‘we’re attempting something that’s never been done in the history of Christian Theatre’.

A dramatic retelling of the story of the last week Jesus’ life, from the ‘Artless theatre company’ in the round using 3D binaural sound.

Click here to watch a trailer.
Age guidance: 11+

Book Tickets Here

Good Friday
18th April
10am-12pm & 6pm-9pm

He went low, He wore the crown of thorns

10-11am Kids and Parents activities (TRINITY HOUSE) & Quiet Hour (MAIN CHURCH)
Gather as families to reflect on the cross with prayer stations, worship, communion and hot cross buns (Trinity House). Alongside a quiet hour at the cross in our Main Church Building.

11am-12pm: Youth Hour by the Cross (TRINITY CHURCH)
Young People come and join us in the main church building for an hour dedicated to reflecting on what Jesus did for us on the cross. We will explore what the crown of thorns represents, using prayer stations and scripture to guide us through.

6pm-9pm: Good Friday Kingdom Come (TRINITY CHURCH)
Drop in or stay for the whole time and go deep into a discovery of the crowns that Jesus wore, from mockery to victory. We will use prayer stations and scripture as we reflect upon the significance of Good Friday, immersed in times of worship.

Easter Sunday
20th April
10am & 6pm

Now He wears the crown of victory!

Join us and celebrate the one who wears the victor's crown! Our 10am celebration will be an all age gathering, and our 6pm will have extended times of worship & ministry.


  • The only event you need to book in for is the theatre production ‘Centurion’ (16th/17th April) as it is a ticketed event and is likely to be sold out quickly. 

    For all the other events, there is no need to book in ahead of time.

  • We have many quieter spots in church where it’s easier to sit without being affected by loud noise. We have ear-defenders available to adults and children. If you have limited mobility, our main church space & TrinityHouse community center main floor are accessible with wheelchairs & walking frames. All our buildings have an accessible disabled toilet. Members of our welcome team will be to guide you to access all these facilities. Throughout all our events, there will be no sudden loud noise nor smoke machine used except for the Centurion production where there will be light haze. If you have any questions or wishes to discuss any of the above further, do get in touch with our team by emailing hello@trinitycheltenham.com

  • Great! We couldn’t run those events without your involvement. Please email the team at hello@trinitycheltenham.com with your availability and let’s have a chat.

  • For young people 10-18 years old.

  • No, parents won't need to stay. The session will be led and supported by the Youth Team. We will then be having a small Easter social after this and so pick up for young people will be 1:30pm.

Get in touch

Want to get hold of us or need more information? Drop us a message!