Give Money
Everything we do as a church family relies on our giving - thank you!
Over the years, we have had countless stories of stepping out in faith and all the resources required being provided through generosity. If this is your church home then please join in!
Our gifts should be a prayerful and joyful act of worship. The Bible doesn’t give a strict formula for what to give but the Old Testament practice of tithing (10% of income) is a starting point for thinking about faith and generosity.
Want to know all of the info? Click the button below to view our Resourcing the Vision Flyer.
‘Each should give what they have decided in their own heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver’
2 Corinthians 9:7
We are grateful for every gift
Giving should always reflect our means and circumstances.
There are a number of ways to give wisely both one-off and regularly.
If you are part of the Trinity family, setting up a regular gift helps you know it will happen as part of your regular worship and helps us to plan wisely.
A bank standing order is usually the most effective way of giving ‘first to the Lord’ each month.
If you pay income tax, we encourage you to think about adding 'Gift Aid'. This government scheme automatically increases the value of your gifts by 25% at no extra cost to you! Please click to 'give online' or see the FAQ section below for more information.
Give Online
An easy way to give as a one time gift or regular giving!
Bank Transfer
If you wish to set up a Bank Standing Order, BACS or Internet Banking payment – please credit:
Holy Trinity Church
Account Number: 52523454
Sort Code: 60-05-16
For followers of Jesus, serving practically and giving financially is all part of our response to God’s love and provision for us.
The Bible also tells us that generous giving is away God wants us to share in helping others.
Giving is also a very practical way in which we live as Christians - it involves obedience and trust as we recognise God, not ourselves or anyone else, as our loving provider.
Giving in this spirit is never a religious duty, forced or grudging, but instead freely chosen and full of a sense of joy.
Giving financially is just one way of responding to God generously. If you have money worries or are in debt, we encourage you to respond by serving on a team, praying for the Church, or being generous with your time towards others.
We are grateful for each gift no matter what the amount or how the gift is made. If you are part of the Trinity church family, and in a position to give financially, we would love for you to consider setting up a regular, monthly gift. Regular giving is crucial for us as it enables us to plan wisely, commit to longer-term projects as we seek to reach as many people as possible with the love of Jesus. You can give regularly by direct debit by clicking here.
Everything we do together as a church is only possible because of your giving. With your support, we can run our Sunday services, offer practical help to people through our Transform Ministries, Money Matters, evangelism through Alpha, friendship and discipleship through our Life Groups, and we can run ministries including programmes for Youth, Kids, Students & Young Adults.
You can make a one-off card gift by clicking the ‘Give Online’ button above.
Click the ‘Give Online’ button above, set the amount you want to give, and be sure to alter the ‘frequency’ box.
Yes. To give via cheque, please make the cheque out to ‘Holy Trinity Church’ and you can put it in the box next to the bookstall in the Church building.
If you are a UK tax payer, the government’s Gift Aid scheme allows Trinity to reclaim 25p of tax for every £1 you give. You must pay UK income tax and/or captial gains tax that is at least equal to the amount of tax that Trinity reclaims on your gifts each tax year. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you may be able to gain additional relief for your giving on other tax allowances or credits. If your circumstances change and your gifts are no longer eligible for Gift Aid, please inform Trinity. For more information visit www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid .
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Trinity Cheltenham