
Teaming up with Jesus to make the world a better place.

We are so excited to journey with you and your young person. Our heart is to help young people team up with Jesus to make the world a better place and we can’t do that without you. So, as you settle into church life here at Trinity and settle into the rhythms of our youth ministry, here are three things that will be really helpful for you to know and two helpful things for you to do.


  1. We want you to know that everything we do as a ministry is centred around prayer and God’s word. These are key values and key practices we want to journey with young people, we want to help them discover the power that is held in prayer and in God’s word.

  2. Our hope is always to equip young people with the tools God has on offer for them and to draw out the gifts God has given them. One of our greatest joys is seeing young people use their gifts to further God’s kingdom.

  3. We love to have FUN! In youth we absolutely love hanging out with each other, building great friendships, learning new things with each other and a lot of the time this is all accompanied by some good food.


  1. Please fill out our Parental Consent Form for the academic year 23/24. Safeguarding and the care of your son(s) or daughter(s) is the most important thing and we can’t do this with the vital information in the consent form. Click here to fill out the form: Parental Consent Form 23/24.

  2. Please subscribe to our weekly Parent E-News email. By subscribing to this you will receive a weekly email with all information and key details about what’s going on in the life of Trinity Youth. Click here to subscribe: Parent E-News.

Get In Touch

Want to ask a question? Need more information? You can get in touch with the Youth Team right here.

Tim O'Leary
Senior Youth Pastor