Walking with God.
Dealing with Your Past
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:36
To a large extent, who we are today is a product of where we have come from, by way of family background, childhood experiences and the culture and values of the people and places amongst whom we spent most time growing up in early life. For good or for bad, the greatest influences on us come from those who raised us and with whom we lived. No matter how healthy those environments were - or weren’t - we carry a significant legacy from them. Some of the ways of thinking and being that we inherit are inevitably at odds with the ways of Jesus. So one of our fundamental needs in learning to walk onwards with God is to seek his help in identifying, ‘unlearning’ and being released from whatever holds us back. To move forward freely with Jesus also requires looking backwards to deal with our past and be freed from any baggage we carry.
The journey of walking into greater freedom, being released from things in our past that hold us back, is exactly that: a journey. For many Jesus followers there are decisive breakthroughs along the way, as well as the ongoing ‘walking out’ of healing we have received and truths we’ve begun to embrace.
First Steps
Begin simply by asking God to reveal to you anything from your past that is a blockage to your walk with him now, or something he wants to release you from. Write down whatever you sense him saying.
Ask for help. This is an area of our following of Jesus where he tends to use other family members to help us. At Trinity, a good place to start are: ask a Leader you trust (eg Pastor or Life Group leader).